Walsh Award 2017
Jonathan Burgoyne (left) presents the 2017 Walsh Award to Prof. Ryan Giles.

MLA Forum LLC Medieval Iberian awards the 2017 Walsh Prize to Professor Ryan Giles, Indiana University, for his article “Garden Spaces and Textual Materialities: The Exorcistic Prelude to the Razon de amor,” La corónica 44.1 (2015): 115-33.

Honorable Mention 2017 John Walsh Award: Anita Savo, “The Hidden Polemic in Juan Manuel’s Libro de los estados, ” La corónica 44.2 (2016): 5-28.




The John K. Walsh Award

This award is given annually to the author of an outstanding article published in the previous volume of La corónica. The selection of the recipient of this award is made by the Executive Committee of the MLA Forum LLC Medieval Iberian in memory of distinguished medievalist John K. Walsh (1939-1990). The tribute is celebrated every year with a reception at the Modern Language Association Convention.

Winner of the 2017 La corónica John K. Walsh Award
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