La corónica




MLA Division on Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Publication Schedule

One volume of two issues (Vol. 53.1 = Fall 2024; Vol. 53.2 = Spring 2025) published during the academic year.

Subscription Rates* –Volume 53

United States and Possessions Outside United States
individuals/1 year $198 USD $347 USD
individuals/2 years $258 USD $466 USD
institutions/1 year $347 USD $541 USD

*Rates effective 1 September 2023


  • Agents may take a 10% discount. Not applicable to back issues.
  • All issues in the continental US are shipped surface mail.
  • No additional fees for overseas subscriptions.
  • No refunds on cancellations.
  • All payments in US dollars.
  • Some back issues are available. Contact Isidro J. Rivera, Managing Editor, for a list of available issues and shipping costs.
  • Claims for replacement of missing issues must be received within three months (six months in the case of foreign subscribers) following publication of issue.

Please direct all subscription inquiries, address changes, claims, and other business correspondence to Managing Editor:

Isidro J. Rivera, Managing Editor
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Kansas
Wescoe Hall
1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 2636
Lawrence, KS 66045-7590
TEL: (785) 864-3851

Subscription Information (for downloadable PDF, click here)


Subscription Brochure (for downloadable PDF, click here)

SPANPORT–La Coronicia (JUNE2024)_Brochure