La corónica has updated its style sheet. Please review the new guidelines below and on the journal website.

Download the guidelines here.

Style Sheet for La corónica

Length and Content:

Articles should not exceed 8,000 words (including notes but not the list of works cited). All submissions must consist of original research, not previously published in any other form and not under consideration by another journal. La corónica sends out all submissions for double-anonymous peer review. The author’s identity is not known to the readers evaluating the article, and the author does not know the identity of the readers. The reviewers evaluate the submission for publication and make suggestions for improvement; this work may take several months, but concerned authors are encouraged to contact the Editor about the pace or stage of the review process. Articles that are not accepted for publication will be returned. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication may be required to make several rounds of revisions before submission of final copy.

Title and Name:

Provide the complete title of your essay plus your name, affiliation, and contact information in a cover letter. On the first sheet of the manuscript repeat the title but not your name so that your contribution can be reviewed anonymously. Number the pages.

Language, Punctuation, Abbreviations and Quotes:

Articles may be in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, and Catalan. For quoted material, follow MLA Handbook (8th edition) which recommends “commas and periods that directly follow quotations go inside the closing quotation marks” (88). (e.g., The Libro del Caballero Zifar is “fantastic,” but only in a qualified sense). Use the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook (8th edition) for all other questions of style. Use accents, tildes, and Spanish spellings, even with words well known in English (Aragon, Leon, Cadiz, Zaragoza). Do not include titles like Professor, Doctor, Lord, or Miss. Avoid abbreviations like etc., Prof., Mrs., Mr., Sr., Sra., Srta., Da, D. and abbreviated names like Wm., Chas., G. Lorca. In titles and quotations, follow the forms used by the author cited (e.g., Dana A. Nelson’s Libro de Alixandre). For matters of style and formatting, authors should refer to recent issues of La corónica (vol. 47.2 or later). Exactness is the responsibility of the author; accuracy of quotations and citations should be verified before the manuscript is submitted. If the author does not follow the guidelines of the journal, or if there is need for modification in content, submissions will be returned for revision.


Use the MLA system of parenthetical citation to refer to the list of works cited. All notes should appear as footnotes in the submitted document, not as endnotes. Please do not use footnotes to provide bibliographical information; their function is to provide context for material in the text. However, keep use of footnotes and their length to a minimum. If the content of a footnote is lengthy, consider whether it belongs in the text or in an appendix at the end of the article.

Full bibliographical information should only be found in the list of “Works Cited” at the end of the article, and every work in the Works Cited must be cited in the text. Follow the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook (8th edition) for the type and order of information. For Internet sources, authors need to include the URL for any websites consulted, or DOI (digital object identifier) for online journal articles, along with any relevant publication dates, if available. In the case of online journal articles, DOIs are preferred over URLs. Precede a DOI with “doi:” rather than the typical “http://”. MLA only requires the www. address, so eliminate all https:// when citing URLs. Authors will be asked to provide this information in the “Works Cited” list.

For guidance, refer to a current issue of La corónica (vol. 47.2 or later) and the latest edition of the MLA Handbook (8th edition).

Preparation of Preliminary Manuscript and Final Electronic Version:

Leave margins of 1 ½ inches on all sides and double space throughout, including quoted material, footnotes, and bibliography. Use a common typeface such as Times or Palatino in 12 pt font using italics for titles, emphasis, or foreign words. Do not use different font styles, sizes, bold or other changes in typeface. Please submit your manuscript both as an MS Word and a PDF in an e-mail attachment.

Graphs, tables, images, and other illustrative material must be submitted in high-resolution electronic format, at least 300 dpi., at the approximate size it would appear in the journal. Please number illustrative material sequentially and provide a caption for each item. All copyright permissions must be obtained by the author in advance.

The Editor reserves the right to make minor changes in surface style and format in final drafts. Normally the Editor will provide galleys for authors to proofread prior to publication.

Send all correspondence to:

Michelle Hamilton, Editor
La corónica
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
209 Folwell Hall
9 Pleasant Street SE
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN 55455
TEL: (612) 625-6661 / FAX: (612) 625-3549
e-mail: [email protected]

Style Sheet 2019 Revised English

Updated 22 April 2019