Sessions organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the 2018 MLA Convention.

  • Location: New York City, NY
  • Date: 4-7 January 2018

New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies

  • Papers on new works, new methodologies or new critical approaches to Medieval Iberian literature or culture.
  • Submit title and abstract of 250-500 words by 15 March 2017.
  • Contact:Matthew J. Bailey([email protected])

Fearmongering in Medieval Iberia

  • Papers explore how false information or prejudicial discourse was employed in Medieval Iberia to incite fear or mistrust against the religious/cultural Other.
  • Submit abstract and CVby 1 March 2017.
  • Contact: Connie Scarborough ([email protected])

Medieval States of Insecurity

  • Panel explores how insecurity–political and social, real or imagined–affected depictions of the Arab Mediterranean (Iberia, North Africa, Sicily).
  • Submit CV and abstract of 300 words max by 15 March 2017.
  • Contact: Michelle M. Hamilton([email protected]) andMichael Allan([email protected])

The Legacy of Ramon Menéndez Pidal

For more information, contact Nadia Altschul([email protected]), chair of Medieval Iberian LLC.

Medieval Iberian LLC Sessions at MLA 2018, NYC
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