Conference “Antique Modes of Thought, Romantic Traditions, and Legendary Storytelling in theMiddle Ages and Renaissance”organized by theRocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (RMMRA)and hosted by Southern Utah University

  • Location: Cedar City, UT
  • Date: 10-13 August 2020
  • Submit 250-word abstract by 1 May 2020
  • Contact: Todd P. Upton
  • See CFP below:

The 52nd annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association will be held conjointly with theWooden O Symposium at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah, August 10-13, 2020. The Wooden OSymposium, sponsored by the Utah Shakespeare Festival and Southern Utah University, is a cross-disciplinaryconference focusing on the text and performance of Shakespeare’s plays, and held in one of the most beautiful naturalsettings in the western U.S. The Utah Shakespeare Festival is also within a few miles of Zion and Bryce National Parksand not far from the north rim of the Grand Canyon.

This year’s Wooden O will feature Pericles, The Comedy of Errors, Richard III, Cymbeline, Shakespeare’s Worst!, Intothe Breeches!, and Desperate Measures (a musical based on Measure for Measure), and the RMMRA always welcomespapers which include the year’s productions.

The RMMRA invites papers on any topic relating to the period 400-1700and welcomes scholars in a broad range of disciplines including history,literature, art history, music, and gender studies with special considerationgiven to papers and proposals on this year’s theme, “Antique Modes ofThought, Romantic Traditions, and Legendary Storytelling in theMiddle Ages and Renaissance.”

The RMMRA is dedicated to creating an inclusive scholarly community.We encourage papers from scholars regardless of race, national origin,gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, politicalviews, military status, (dis)ability, and career paths. Our organization iscommitted to providing a safe, accessible, harassment-free, and collegialconference experience for all attendees. The RMMRA recognizes andsupports the inclusion of diverse scholars from across the academy.

Through March 8th, please submit proposals for panels or abstracts (andquestions) to Todd P. Upton, Ph.D., President, RMMRA([email protected] or [email protected]). After March 9th, youmay submit to RMMRA 2020 through our online portal usingMemberPlanet:

Abstracts are due May 1, 2020.

Session chairs and individual presenters will be informed of acceptance nolater than June 1. Please include 250-word abstracts or session proposals(including individual abstracts) and the following information:

“¢ Name of presenter(s)
“¢ Participant category (faculty, graduate student, undergraduatestudent, or independent scholar)
“¢ College/university affiliation
“¢ Mailing address
“¢ Email address
“¢ Audio/visual requirements and any other special requests

Modes of Thought, Romantic Traditions and Storytelling – RMMRA 2020
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