The following sessions will be organized by the Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the upcoming 2023 MLA Convention.

  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Date: 6-9 January 2022

New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies (virtual)
Presider: Yasmine Beale-Rivaya ([email protected])

Environmentalist and New Materialist Readings of the Galician-Portuguese cantigas Adam Mahler, Harvard

From Seduction to Sexual Assault: Consent and Heterosexual Interaction in the Libro de buen amor Karime Parodi Ambel, UCLA

Charting a Course for Piracy in Premodern Iberian Literature Alexander Korte, University of Minnesota


The Labor of Care in Medieval Iberian Literature and Literary Studies (in person)
Presider: Robin M. Bower ([email protected])

Talk Therapy: ‘Fermoso fablar’ and the Labor of Consolation in theLibro de Apolonio Matthew V. Desing, U of Texas, El Paso

        Senses of Care: Berceo and the Virgin Simone Pinet, Cornell U

              Shem Tov’s ‘Proverbios Morales’ and the Construction of a Caring Society Grant Miner, Columbia U

                    Embodied Ritual and Acts of Care in Premodern Iberia Elizabeth Spragins, C of the Holy Cross andEmily Colbert Cairns, Salve Regina U

                    2023 MLA Sessions Organized by LLC Medieval Iberian
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