Winner of the 2023 La corónica International Book Award:

Henry Berlin

Alone Together: Poetics of the Passions in Late Medieval Iberia

(U of Toronto P, 2021)

A man with a beard and mustache wearing a suit.
Henry Berlin, author of Alone Together: Poetics of the Passions in Late Medieval Iberia

Henry Berlin, associate professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University at Buffalo SUNY, is the winner of the 2023 La corónica International Book Award.

Alone Together reveals the political, ethical, and poetic dimensions of the explosion of sentimental literature and literature about sentiment in turn-of-the-fifteenth-century Iberia. With careful analyses of lyric poetry, sentimental prose, and wide-ranging treatises in multiple languages, this study foregrounds the dense web of relations among these genres and linguistic and cultural traditions.

A book cover with two people in the middle of it
Alone Together: Poetics of the Passions in Late Medieval Iberia (U of Toronto P, 2021), winner of the 2023 La corónica International Book Award

Drawing on Stoic and early monastic thought, authors such as the Marqués de Santillana, Ausiás March, and Alfonso de Madrigal explored the unifying potential of shared emotion in an ethical rehabilitation that cut across the personal and political, exalting friendly conversation, civic communication, and collective poetic composition. In his readings of these authors, Henry Berlin references recent work on lyric theory and the history and theory of emotion, from classical antiquity to the modern day. An exploration of the political and poetic potential of shared emotion, Alone Together shows how a heuristic focus on the notion of passion is illuminating for broader ongoing discussions about the nature of emotion, the lyric, and subjectivity.


Winner of the 2023 La corónica International Book Award
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