Michelle M. Hamilton

Nadia Altschul. Politics of Temporalization: Medievalism and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century South America. U of Pennsylvania P, 2020.
(winner of the 2022 International Book Award)

The Struggle over the Definition of “Progress”: Altschul’s Contributions to Understandings of Modernity and Medievality
Christina Civantos

Temporalization is Never Innocent: On Nadia Altschul’s Politics of Temporalization: Medievalism and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century South America
Rebecca De Souza

Building Bridges, Decolonizing and Contemplating Medievalismin Nadia Altschul’s Politics of Temporalization
M. Jane Toswell


Florencia Pinar’s “Ell amor ha tales mañas”: The Worm, Cancer, and the Poetics of Abject Embodiment
Andrew M. Beresford

Natural Machines: Fashioning Desire and Hybrid Subjectivity through Falconry in Pero López de Ayala’s Libro de la caza de las aves
Michael O’Brien

El adverbio y semisufijo medieval (-)m(i)entre en la documentación de Alfonso X el Sabio
Javier Mora García

El romance temprano de Ribagorza según la documentación medieval (900-1050)
Gabriel Sanz Casasnovas

“En Israhel lo tal non se costumbra fazer”: Exemplarity, Memory, and the Ballad of Tamar in the Sephardic Tradition
Alexander McNair

Colón’s Redemptive Quest: Navigator to a New Heaven and a New Earth
Matthew Bailey


Allaire, Gloria, and Julie Human, editors. Courtly Pastimes.
Reviewed by Tamara Bentley Caudill

Aranda García, Nuria. Los Siete sabios de Roma en España: una historia editorial a través del tiempo (siglos XV-XX).
Reviewed by David González Ramírez

Arias Guillén, Fernando. The Triumph of an Accursed Lineage: Kingship in Castile from Alfonso X to Alfonso XI (1252-1350).
Reviewed by Kim Bergqvist

Brann, Ross. Iberian Moorings. Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the Tropes of Exceptionalism.
Reviewed by John Zemke

Codding, Mitchel A., Patrick Lenaghan, and John O’Neil. Treasures from the Hispanic Society Library, an exhibition curated by Mitchell A. Codding and John O’Neil.
Reviewed by Alvin F. Sherman, Jr.

Don Juan Manuel. Libro del cavallero e del escudero, estudio y edición de Mario Cossío Olavide, prólogo de Carlos Heusch.
Reviewed by Barry Taylor

Martínez Alcorlo, Ruth. Isabel de Castilla y Aragón. Princesa y reina de Portugal (1470-1498).
Reviewed by Patricia García Sánchez-Migallón

Olivera Serrano, César, editor. Entre el altar y la corte. Intercambios sociales y culturales hispánicos (siglos XIII-XV).
Reviewed by María del Mar Graña Cid

Olivera Serrano, César, director. El Libro de los bienhechores del monasterio de San Benito el Real de Valladolid. Estudio y edición.
Reviewed by Carlos Manuel Reglero de la Fuente

Owen-Crocker, Gale R., editor. Textiles of Medieval Iberia: Cloth and Clothing in a Multi-Cultural Context.
Reviewed by Álvaro Garrote Pascual

Pascual-Argente, Clara. Memory, Media, and Empire in the Castilian Romances of Antiquity: Alexander’s Heirs.
Reviewed by Pablo Ancos

Pulgar, Fernando del. The Book of Illustrious Men of Castile. Translated by Erik Ekman and Samantha Mori.
Reviewed by David M. Reher

Rojas, Felipe, and Peter E. Thompson, editors. Queering the Medieval Mediterranean: A Transcultural Sea of Sex, Gender, Identity, and Culture.
Reviewed by Philip Allen

Cantigas. Galician-Portuguese Troubadour Poems. Translated by Richard Zenith.
Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow

Call for Papers for Critical Cluster: The Speculative Songbook: Discourse and Discord at the Margins of Medieval Iberian Lyric, guest edited by Adam Mahler and Jean Dangler

Call for Position of Editor in Chief

La corónica International Book Award

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Volume 51.2 Table of Contents