From the Editor


“The Hidden Polemic in Juan Manuel’s Libro de los estados

Anita Savo

“Punning on the Mind as Çela in the Libro de buen amor

Florence Curtis

“The Conniving Poor in Early Christian Wisdom Literature”

Scott Spinks

“Interferencia latin-romance en Alfonso X: La traduccion como pretexto de la elaboracion sintactica”

Santiago del Rey Quesada

“Ca asi commo yo soy tu padre”: Género, masculinidad y poder en Castigos del rey don Sancho IV

Purificacion Martinez


Hess, Steven. Ramon Menéndez Pidal: The Practice and Politics of Philology in Twentieth-Century Spain. Reviewed by Omar Velazquez-Mendoza

Maurizi, Françoise, ed. Lucas Fernandez: Farsas y Églogas. Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow

Munoz Jiménez, Maria José, ed. El florilegio: Espacio de encuentro de los autores antiguos y medievales. Reviewed by Linde M. Brocato

Talavera, Hernando de. Dos escritos destinados a la reina Isabel: Colacion muy provechosa. Tratado de loores de San Juan Evangelista. Ed. Carmen Parrilla. Reviewed by Mark D. Johnston

Scarborough, Connie. Inscribing the Environment: Ecocritical Approaches to Medieval Spanish Literature. Reviewed by Paul B. Nelson

Pharies, David A. Breve historia de la lengua espanola. Brief History of the Spanish Language. Segunda edicion revisada / Second edition. Reviewed by Francisco Marcos-Marin

Wacks, David A. Double Diaspora in Sephardic Literature: Jewish Cultural Production Before and After 1492 Reviewed by David Torollo.

Szpiech, Ryan. Conversion and Narrative: Reading and Religious Authority in Medieval Polemic. Reviewed by Nicholas M. Parmley

Martinez Gazquez, José and John Tolan, ed. Ritus infidelium: Miradas interconfesionales sobre las practicas religiosas en la Edad Media. Reviewed by Adriano Duque

Gomez-Bravo, Ana M. Textual Agency: Writing Culture and Social Networks in Fifteenth-Century Spain. Reviewed by Emily C. Francomano

The John K. Walsh Award

Past Editors of La corónica

Volume 44.2 Table of Contents