

Isidro J. Rivera, Managing Editor

Institution or Other Affiliation

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas


I am Isidro J. Rivera, Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The University of Kansas, Lawrence. My principal area of research and teaching is the literature of medieval Iberia. I am currently preparing a study of the intersection of print culture and devotional reading during the reign of Isabel de Castilla. My publications have appeared in Journal of Hispanic Philology, Modern Language Notes, Celestinesca, Revista Hispánica Moderna, and Hispanic Review. I am the Managing Editor of La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies and serve on the Editorial Boards of The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World (Brill) and Project Muse (Johns Hopkins Press). For more information about my activities, visit my webpage.


Academic Interests

187, 188, 190, 189, 186