“Ortodoxia en la era de Sancho IV (1282-1325)” / “Orthodoxy in the Age of Sancho IV (1282-1325)” roundtable organized by Mario Cossio Olavide and Anita Savo and sponsored by La corónicafor the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo 2023.
- Location: Kalamazoo, MI and online (blended session)
- Date: 11-13 May 2023
- Submit abstract by 23 September 2022 via the ICMS website (https://wmich.edu/medievalcongress/submissions)
- Contact: Mario Cossio Olavide (co******@um*.edu) and Anita Savo (as***@bu.edu)
Call for Papers for La corónica Roundtable at Kalamazoo 2023