Call for Papers forLa Coronicapanel at theAnnual Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo,”Iberian Travelers in the Mediterranean”:
This session will resonate with the work of the 2020 plenary speaker, Sharon Kinoshita. It will also highlight the various ethnic, linguistic and religious histories of medieval Iberia and the Mediterranean. We envision including papers on aspects of travel narratives by actual travelers such as Benjamin of Tudela, Pero Tafur, Ruy Clavijo, Al-Wazzan, Ibn Arabi, and Anselm Turmeda or fictional characters in literary texts, such as Amadis, Alexander, Tirant lo Blanc, Curial and Paris.
We encourage proposals that use the interdisciplinary approaches of Mediterranean and Iberian Studies, incorporating traditional historical research with cultural studies approaches to the study of medieval Iberian travelers, exploring the impact and role of travel and travelers in the cultural production and history of medieval Iberia/s and the Mediterranean.
Contact: Michelle Hamilton (ha******@um*.edu)