Exec Committee
2019 MLA Executive Committee of the LLC Medieval Iberia, Matthew Desing, Connie Scarborough, Michelle Hamilton, Nadia Altschul, Matthew Bailey

The Executive Committee of LLC Medieval Iberian met during the 134thMLA Convention to plan activities and sessions for the 2020 MLA Convention in Seattle.

The proposed sessions are:

  1. New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies (guaranteed session)
  2. “Right Wing Mobilization of Medieval Iberia” (working title, guaranteed session)
  3. “Iberia and Ultramar” (special session, co-sponsored with Mediterranean Studies Group)
  4. Race and Medieval Iberia (roundtable special session, organized in collaboration with La corónica)

These sessions are currently in the planning stages, and more details will be available shortly. For updates or other information, contact Dr. Connie Scarborough, connie.scarborough@ttu.edu

LLC Medieval Iberian announces sessions for the 2020 MLA