Session 573″Iberian Babel: Multilingualism and Translation in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean” organized by Michelle Hamilton for the MLA Annual Convention 2019

  • Location:Chicago, IL
  • Date: 5 January 2019, 3:30-4:45 p.m.


1: Translation in theLibro de buen amorand theLibro de buen amorin Translation

Emily C. Francomano,Georgetown U

2: Empire of Translation: Multilingual Administrative Dynasties in Habsburg Spain

Claire Gilbert,St. Louis U

3: The Convenience of Polyglossia: Language Use in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia

Nuria Silleras-Fernandez,U of Colorado, Boulder


Sharon A. Kinoshita,U of California, Santa Cruz

MLA 2019 Session “Iberian Babel”
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