Call for Contributions

Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology:

Open Access pedagogical editions of premodern Iberian and Latin American sources

Deadline September 1, 2018

Project description: Open Iberia/América is an online, Open Access collection of short pedagogical edition/translations of premodern Iberian and Latin American texts modeled after the editorial practices of commercial anthologies. The units will be housed in a collection at (you must register to access but you do not need to be a member of MLA).

Open Iberia/América seeks contributions of premodern primary texts from the Iberian and Latin American worlds. Contributing editors will select a short text or excerpt glossed for undergraduate readers (the primary target population is undergraduate students in survey-level courses in Anglophone universities). The aim is to produce a unit that one might teach in a single class meeting in a lower-division survey course. Contributors will write short introductions, and provide a basic bibliography for further reading. Original language texts from any of the linguistic traditions of the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas will be included, accompanied by translations into Modern Castilian and English, so they may be used in both Spanish-language and English-language courses across a number of disciplines (language, history, religion, philosophy, art history, etc.).

Open Iberia/América is an open-ended anthology with a yearly call for contributions and deadline. It will continue to grow, with editorial guidance, depending on the interests and needs of the community of teachers that sustain it. The edition/translations and introductory essays will be available online and free of charge to any interested readers. All contributions will be licensed CC BY-NC-SA so they may adapted, redistributed and copied, provided users attribute authors/editors/translators and they are not put to commercial use. All contributions will be made available in multiple digital formats so they can be easily adapted and customized.

Editorial norms

  • Short introduction to text/author between 1000 and 2000 words in English and Castilian versions. Author name, affiliation, year.
  • Suggestions for further reading (3-5 texts in in language of either version)
  • Original language text. Base text attributed (MS, out of copyright or open-licensed edition) (maximum 3000 words)
  • Modern Castilian translation, glossed in Modern Castilian. Translator Name, Affiliation, Year.
  • English translation, glossed in English. Translator Name, Affiliation, Year.
  • Images must be attributed and be licensed Creative Commons (Attribution Non-commercial Share alike) or public domain (out of copyright, own photos/images)
  • Base texts must be either public domain or own edition/translations

General thematic essays

In addition to the pedagogical editions/translations, Open Iberia/América will also offer a series of accessible introductory essays on various topics of interest to undergraduate students of premodern Iberian and Latin American history and culture. Examples: individual authors, historical topics (monarchs, social movements, social groups, regions, cities, economic issues, topics in art and architecture, religion, philosophy, etc). Authors may propose original topics to the editorial committee.


The editorial committee will issue the first annual general call for contributions in Summer 2018. The first deadline for pedagogical editions/translations and essays will be in Fall 2018. The site will go live in Fall 2019, and will accept new contributions on a yearly cycle.


The collection will be housed at, an open access, not for profit repository and scholarly network. The site will be a simple front page with tabs leading to the collections. There will be little or no dynamic content.

Editorial Team

General Editor David Wacks University of Oregon
Castilian Editor Sol Miguel Prendes Wake Forest University
Catalan Editor Albert Lloret University of Massachusetts
Galician Editor Gabriel Rei-Doval Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Portuguese Editor Vincent Barletta Stanford University
Hebrew Editor Liran Yagdar UCLA
Arabic Editor You or a colleague of yours?
(contact General Editor)
Latin Editor Pamela Beattie University of Louisville
Nahuatl Editors Stephanie Wood

Robert Haskett

University of Oregon

To contribute:

Prepare a short description of your proposed unit including the following:

  • Your name, institutional affiliation, email, twitter, and website
  • Title, author, date, provenance of base text
  • Copyright information of base text (Manuscript, out-of-copyright or public domain printed edition)
  • Original language
  • Approximate word count of text or excerpt
  • English/Castilian translations: can you provide or would you like editorial team to provide
  • Any other questions related to your contribution

Send all proposals and inquiries to [email protected]

Deadline for proposals: September 1, 2018


Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology
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