Conference organizedby the University of StAndrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies (SAIMS) and hosted by the University of St Andrews. Location: StAndrews, Scotland Date: 3-5 May 2017 Submit abstract and biographyby 12 February 2017. Contact Alastair Ayton, Ethan Birney, and Jonah
Ovid Across Europe: Vernacular Translations of the Metamorphoses in the Middle Ages & the Renaissance
International conference organized by Marta Balzi and Gemma Pellissa Prades and hosted by the University of Bristol. Location: Bristol, England Date: 28-29 September 2017 Submit an abstract and brief CV by 30 March 2017. Contact Marta Balzi ([email protected]) andGemma Pellissa
BH and DH: Book History and Digital Humanities
Conference organized by Jonathan Senchyne, Heather Wacha, and Mark Vareschi and hosted by the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Location: Madison, WI Date: 22-24 September 2017 Submit proposal by 15 April 2015 [email protected] Conference website
Rewiring Romans: Medieval Liturgies as Tools for Transformation
Workshop organized and hosted by Norwegian Institute in Rome. Location: Rome, Italy Date: 15-17 June 2017 Submit abstract and bio by 15 March 2017 Contact: [email protected] Call for papers
MEMSA Conference 2017
Imitation and Innovation: Uses of the Past in the Medieval and the Early Modern World Conference organized by the Medieval and Early Modern Student Association (MEMSA), arranged with support of Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,
Layers of Parchment, Layers of Time: Reconstructing Manuscripts 800 – 1600
Symposium organized by Dr. Kathryn Rudy and Stephanie Azzarello and hosted by Pembroke College, University of Cambridge. Location: Cambridge, UK Date: 23 June 2017 Submit abstract and brief biography by 1 February 2017. Contact: Dr. Kathryn Rudy and Stephanie Azzarello
Lisbon Medieval Culture and War: Spaces, Images, Mentalities
Conference organized and hosted by Centre of History of the University of Lisbon Location: Lisbon, Portugal Date: 22-24 June 2017 Submit abstract by 3 March 2017 Contact: [email protected] Call for Papers
Session at 2017 Annual Conference of the American Literature Association
Session,”The Medieval in American Popular Culture”, organized by the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture at the Annual Conference of the American Literature Association Location: Boston, MA Date: 25-28 May 2017 Submit
Canadian Association of Hispanists 53rd Annual Conference
Conference organized by the Canadian Association of Hispanists and hosted by Ryerson University. Location: Toronto, Ontario Date: 31 May-2 June 2017 Submit proposalby 12 January 2017. Contact: Enrique Fernandez([email protected]) Conference website
The Art of the Network: Visualising Social Relationships, 1400–1600
Annual Postgraduate Renaissance Symposium organized and hosted by the Courtauld Institute of Art. Location: London, UK Date: 28 April 2017 Submit proposal and short CV by 31 December 2016 Contact: Alexander Röstel([email protected]) and Alexander Noelle([email protected]) Conference website
Reformations during the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Conference organized by The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association and hosted by Colorado Mesa University. Location: Grand Junction, CO Date: 22-24 June 2017 Submit proposal by 15 March 2017 Contact: Ginger Smoak ([email protected]) Conference Website
Early Modern Satire. Themes, Re-Evaluations, and Practices
Conference organized hosted by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Location: Gothenburg, Sweden Date: 2-4 November 2017 Submit abstranct by 4 January 2017 Contact: Dr. Per Sivefors or Dr. Rikard Wingård Conference Website
3rd ARDIT International Congress
“Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion, and Persecution in the Middle Ages” Congress organized by ARDIT. Location: Barcelona, Spain Date: 17-19 May 2017 Submit abstract by31 January 2017. Contact: [email protected]
EMREM Symposium 2017
Symposium organized by EMREM and hosted by the University of Alabama. Location: Birmingham, AL Date: 18-19 May 2017 Submit Proposalby 1 March 2017. Contact: [email protected] Conference Website
Uses of the Past: Cultural Memory in and of the Middle Ages
Symposium organized by the Medieval Studies Institute of Indiana University and hosted by Indiana University. Location: Bloominton, IN Date: 3-4 March 2017 Submitabstract by 21 December 2016. Contact: [email protected] Please see the complete call for papers on The Medieval Academy
State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.)
State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.): Spaces, Images, Rituals Workshop organized by Torsten Hiltmann (Münster), Miguel Metelo de Seixas (Lisbon), and João Portugal (Lisbon) and hosted by the Archeological Museum of the Carmelite Convent, in the
The Urgency of Teaching Medieval Iberia
by Maureen Russo Rodriguez, Schreiner University When it comes to solidarity and comradery in academia, the Hispano-medievalists always seem to get it right. Perhaps it’s because our group is small enough to inspire a natural kinship, yet also large and
The Mediterranean Seminar: Before Orientalism
Before Orientalism: The “images” of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula (15th – 17th c) and their Mediterranean Connections Seminar sponsoredby Fundacion BBVA, the History of Art Department of the UNED y and the MINECO and hosted by the Fundacion BBVA,
Prison/Exile Conference
Conference organized by Spencer Weinreich, Chiara Giovanni, and Anik Laferriereand hosted byErtegun House, University of Oxford. Location: Oxford, England Date: 10-11 March 2017 Submit title and 250-word abstract by 9 January 2017 Contact: Spencer Weinreich, Chiara Giovanni, and Anik Laferriere
2016 La corónica International Book Award Winner
Winner of the 2016La corónicaInternational Book Award Laura Ackerman Smoller Laura Ackerman Smoller, Professor of History, University of Rochester, studies the areas of intersection between magic, science, and religion in medieval and Renaissance Europe, centering around two major themes: astrology