Carlos Alberto Solé 1935–2020 Carlos Alberto Solé, Jr., Professor Emeritus in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas at Austin, passed away on January 7, 2020 in his home in Houston, Texas. Carlos is survived by
7th International Conference on Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Studies
Conference organized by ICALLAS and hosted by the University of Ghana Location: Legon, Accra, Ghana Date: 4-7 August 2020 Submit 150-word abstract by 15 April 2020. Contact: Yaw Agawu-Kakraba ([email protected]) Call for Papers
The Sixteenth Biennial Symposium of GEMELA
Symposium organized by Eulà lia Miralles Jori, Montserrat Pérez-Toribio, and Verònica Zaragoza Gomez for the Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer en Espana y las Américas pre-1800 (GEMELA). Location: Valencia, Spain Date: 30 September – 2 October 2020 Submit paper or
MACHL 2020
Conference organized by the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature’s organizing committee and hosted by the University of Missouri-Columbia. Location: Columbia, MO Date: 6-7 November 2020 Submit 250-word abstract by 1 May 2020. Contact: [email protected] Conference Website
Modes of Thought, Romantic Traditions and Storytelling – RMMRA 2020
Conference “Antique Modes of Thought, Romantic Traditions, and Legendary Storytelling in theMiddle Ages and Renaissance”organized by theRocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (RMMRA)and hosted by Southern Utah University Location: Cedar City, UT Date: 10-13 August 2020 Submit 250-word abstract by
Medieval and Modern Book: Libraries, Power and Knowledge
International congress “Las bibliotecas en el mundo medieval y moderno: fama, poder, conocimiento y memoria” hosted by Universidad de Zaragoza. Location: Zaragoza, Spain Date: 9-11 September 2020 Submit 1.500-word abstract (and miscellany) by 28 February 2020 Contact: Manuel José Pedraza
Reshaping the Early Modern Book World – ERC 2020
“Reshaping the Early Modern Book Word: Competition, Protection, Consumption” International Conference organized by the European Research Council EMoBookTrade Project and hosted by the University of Milan. Location: Milan, Italy Date: 2-4 December 2020 Submit 500-word abstract and one-page CV by
Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference 2020: Translation
Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference hosted by St. Hugh’s College. Location: Oxford, England Date: 20-21 April 2020 Submit 250-word abstract by 29 February 2020. Contact: [email protected] CFP
Scott Raines on Catherine Brown’s “Scratching the Surface”
Scott Raines, University of Kansas, reacts to Catherine Brown’s article “Scratching the Surface.” As he does so, Raines highlights how Brown’s ideas can help twenty-first-century students conceptualize the materiality of manuscripts and their digital surrogates. Read more and add your
2021 MLA Sessions Organized by LLC Medieval Iberian
The following sessions will be organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the upcoming 2021 MLA Convention. Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Date: 7-10 January 2021 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies This
Premodern Iberianists of the Mid-Atlantico 2020 Meeting
Meeting organized byPremodern Iberianists of the Mid-Atlantic (PIMA)and hosted by George Washington University. Location: Washington, DC Date: 6 March 2020 Submit a 250-word abstract and CV by 19 December 2019 Contact: Belen Vicens ([email protected])and Abigail Agresta ([email protected]) The inaugural meeting
Travelling Objects, Travelling People
“Travelling Objects, Travelling People: Art and Artists of Late Medieval and Renaissance Iberia and Beyond, c. 1400–1550” Conference organized by Costanza Beltrami and Sylvia Alvares-Correa and hosted by Tom Nickson, The Courtauld Institute of Art. Location: London, England Date: 28
2020 MLA Roundtable Sponsored by La corónica
687. Race and Its Historiography in Medieval Iberian Studies 10:15 AM–11:30 AM Jan 12, 2020 WSCC – Chelan 5 Description:Panelists address the lack of engagement with race and diversity in medieval Iberian studies, in a discussion about the ways that
2020 MLA Sessions Organized by LLC Medieval Iberian
Join us for the following events at the MLA Convention in Seattle, organized by LLC Medieval Iberian. More information follows the session titles. 156. Political Uses of Medieval Iberia 507. New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies 653A. Medieval Iberia Cash
Premodern Iberia – PIMA 2020
Meeting organized by Premodern Iberianists of the Mid-Atlantic (PIMA)and hosted by George Washington University. Location: Washington, DC Date: 6 March 2020 Submit a 250-word abstract and CV by 19 December 2019 Contact: Belen Vicens or Abigail Agresta See below CFP:
Middle Ages and Renaissance: Women’s Voices
Symposium “Women’s Voices of the Middle Ages and Renaissance”sponsored by BYU´s Department of French & Italian, Global Women’s Studies Program, and Medieval and Renaissance Studiesand hosted by Brigham Young University. Location: Provo, UT Date: 13 March 2020 Submit one-page abstract
OA content from La corónica for Open Access Week
Open Access Week is 21-27 October 2019 Project Muse hosts open access articles in La corónica.To view OA content from La corónica available through Project Muse, visit Open Access Texts.
Pilgrimage to Santiago: Itineraries, Narratives, Myths
Symposium “Imagining Pilgrimage to Santiago: Itineraries, Narratives, Myths” organized by the Institute of Fine Arts in collaboration with Xunta de Galicia and hosted by New York University. Location: New York, NY Date: 24-25 April 2020 Submission details may be found
Transcribe Estoria – help transcribe the Estoria de Espanna
Crowd-sourcing project “Transcribe Estoria” organized by Aengus Ward for the Department of Hispanic StudiesandEstoria de Espana Digital Project at the University of Birmingham. Project description in English and Spanish below. To learn more and to participate, click here. Transcribeestoria is
Books Available for Review
Books Received La corónica invites book reviews for the following books: Barton, Thomas W.Victory’s Shadow: Conquest and Governance in Medieval Catalonia.Cornell UP, 2019. 432 pp. O’Callaghan, Joseph F.Alfonso X, the Justinian of His Age: Law and Justice in Thirteenth-Century Castile.