57th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, 2022)

La corónica Session

Modern Iberian (Neo)Medievalisms in Postcolonial Contexts and Diaspora

May 9-14, 2022 (Virtual)

This panel welcomes papers from scholars working on the use and transformation of the medieval past in a variety of contexts in the Hispano- and Lusophone worlds beyond Iberia, from Latin America and the Philippines to the Sephardic and moriscodiasporas in the Mediterranean and beyond.

Contact: Rebecca De Souza, University of Oxford ([email protected])

Submissions due by September 15th:https://wmich.edu/medievalcongress/call

Poster ICMS 2022 CFP

Call for Papers: Kalamazoo 2022 Session sponsored by La corónica
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