“Religious Identity, Language, and Exegesis: The Mozarabs and an Arabic Gospel”
Jason Busic

“(Ob)literating the Enemy: The Poetics of Exorcism in Vida de San Millan de la Cogolla
Erik Alder

“The Cancionero de obras de burlas (1519) and its Valencian Audience”
Frank A. Dominguez

“‘De obscura materia obscurament’ dictadas’: el Libro de Daniel y la incomprension profética en dos pasajes del Libro de Alexandre
Fernando Riva

“Pericia constructiva y eficacia (meta)poética: el Infierno de los enamorados de Santillana y algunas nuevas relaciones con la Commedia
Cinthia Maria Hamlin


Bonch Reeves, Ksenia. Visions of Unity after the Visigoths: Early Iberian Latin Chronicles and the Mediterranean World. Reviewed by Heftzi M.Vazquez Rodriguez.

Capuano, Thomas M., compiler. Diccionario herbario de textos antiguos y premodernos. Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin.

Delbrugge, Laura, ed. Self-Fashioning and Assumptions of Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Reviewed by Elena Woodacre.

Lacarra, Maria Jesu;s, y Nuria Aranda Garcia, eds. La literatura medieval hispanica en la imprenta (1475-1600). Reviewed by Emily C. Francomano.

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