“La Profecia de Evangelista: pronosticos y perogrulladas al servicio de la critica social y religiosa”
Alodia Martin-Martinez

“Mas querìa yr perdersse o la uentura mudar”: curiosidad intelectual y peregrinaje en el Libro de Apolonio
Fernando Riva

“Moors and Boars: The Hunt’s Function in the Poema de Fernan Gonzalez
Heather Allen

“Fragment and Referent in Material Texts Identified as Libro de buen amor
Heather Bamford


Aragüés Aldaz, José. Ramon Llull y la literatura ejemplar. Reviewed by Maria Morras

Echenique Elizondo, Maria Teresa, Maria José Martinez Alcalde, Juan Pedro Sanchez Méndez, Francisco P. Pla Colomer, eds. Fraseologia espanola: diacronia y codificacion. Reviewed by Juan-Carlos Conde

D’Emilio, James, ed. Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe. Reviewed by Xosé M. Sanchez Sanchez

Pearce, Sarah J. The Andalusi Literary and Intellectual Tradition: The Role of Arabic in Judah Ibn Tibbon’s Ethical Will. Reviewed by Sabahat F. Adil

Pick, Lucy K. Her Father’s Daughter: Gender, Power, and Religion in the Early Spanish Kingdoms. Reviewed by Paul B. Nelson

Pinet, Simone. The Task of the Cleric: Cartography, Translation, and Economics in Thirteenth-Century Iberia. Reviewed by Amaia Arizaleta

Llull, Ramon. Romance of Evast and Blaquerna. Reviewed by David A. Wacks

Suarez Garcia, Raquel, ed. El compendio islamico de Mohanmad de Vera. Un tratado morisco tardio. Reviewed by Payton Phillips Quintanilla

La corónica International Book Award

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