Michelle M. Hamilton, Editor


Richard P. Kinkade (1939-2020)
Jaime Leanos


Bad Moon Rising: Coded Critique of Frederick II in the Libro de Alexandre
Robert K. Fritz

From Seduction to Sexual Assault: Consent and Heterosexual Interaction in the Libro de buen amor
Karime Parodi

Wrestling in Alfonso Martinez de Toledo’s Arcipreste de Talavera and Pietro Monte’s Libro del exercicio de las armas
Grant Gearhart

Of Ships and Fools: Death and Mirrors in La Lozana andaluza
Marina Schneider

A Note on the Origins and Significance of a Seventeenth-Century Castilian Rendering of the Tale of Pitas Payas
E. Michael Gerli


Bamford, Heather. Cultures of the Fragment: Uses of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600. Reviewed by Nicole G. Corrigan

Beceiro Pita, Isabel. La espiritualidad y la configuracion de los reinos ibéricos (siglos XII-XV). Reviewed by Pablo Martin Prieto

Chas Aguion, Antonio, editor. Escritura y reescritura en el entorno literario del Cancionero de Baena. Reviewed by Cristina Moya Garcia

Kinkade, Richard P.The Life and Times of Infante Manuel of Castile. Reviewed by Mario Cossio Olavide

Malkiel, Yakov. Menéndez Pidal y la lingüistica.Reviewed by Yasmine Beale-Rivaya

Marti Caloca, Ivette. “Todo se ha hecho a mi voluntad”: Melibea como eje central de La Celestina. Reviewed by Connie L. Scarborough

Pérez Rodriguez, Estrella, editor. Las palabras del paisaje y el paisaje en las palabras de la Edad Media: estudios de la lexicografia latina medieval hispana. Reviewed by Frank A. Dominguez

Ranson, Diana L., and Margaret Lubbers Quesada. The History of Spanish: A Student’s Introduction. Reviewed by Sonia Kania

Riva, Fernando. “Nunca mayor sobervia comidio Lucifer”: limites del conocimiento y cultura claustral en el Libro de Alexandre. Reviewed by Ryan D. Giles

Serés, Guillermo. Historia del alma. Reviewed by Sol Miguel-Prendes

Triplette, Stacey.Chivalry, Reading, and Women’s Culture in Early Modern Spain: FromAmadis de Gaulato Don Quixote. Reviewed by Simon Andrés Villegas

Twomey, Lesley K.The Sacred Space of the Virgin Mary in Medieval Hispanic Literature from Gonzalo de Berceo to Ambrosio Montesino.Reviewed by Paul Larson

Nancy F. Marino Award for Best Essay in Hispanomedieval Studies at Annual Medieval Studies Congress (Kalamazoo)

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