Michelle M. Hamilton, Editor



Charles F. Fraker, Jr.
Erik Ekman

La corónica International Book Award Forum: Heather Bamford. Cultures of the Fragment: Uses of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600. U of Toronto P, 2018. (Winner of the 2020 International Book Award)

Relics and Fragments
Ryan Giles

A Medieval Culture of Fragments and Macrotexts
Ignacio Navarrete

Bits and Pieces: On Heather Bamford’s Cultures of the Fragment
Simone Pinet


‘Soplara el odrero . . .’: profecia, difamacion y lenguaje subversivo en la revuelta toledana de 1449
Óscar Lopez Gomez

Carnival at Court: Performing Injuria in the Cantigas de Escarnio e Maldizer
Alex J. H. Thomas

La leyenda del Caballero del Cisne: la caballeria medieval y el concepto cultural alfonsi
Jaime Hernandez Vargas

Lies and Promises: Practical and Ethical Consequences in the Cantar de Mio Cid (Part I)
Connie L. Scarborough

Destabilizing Monotheism in the Medieval Castilian Epic
Rebecca De Souza

Envy and Orientalism in Embajada a Tamorlan
David Reher


Avenoza, Gemma, Laura Fernandez Fernandez y Lourdes Soriano Robles, editoras. La produccion del libro en la Edad Media: una vision interdisciplinar. Silex, 2019. Reviewed by Francisco Crosas.

Hamlin, Cinthia M. Traduccion, humanismo y propaganda monarquica: la version glosada del Infierno de Pedro Fernandez de Villegas (1515). Reviewed by Devid Paolini.

Kurtz, William S. Obispos (medievales) de Badajoz. Editora Regional de Extremadura, 2019. Reviewed by Edward Cooper.

Mahoney, Peter J. The Seven Knights of Lara: Text, Context, and Translation. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 2019. Reviewed by Katherine Oswald.

Martin Romero, José Julio. El Nobiliario vero y el pensamiento aristocratico del siglo XV. Iberoamericana–Vervuert, 2019. Reviewed by Óscar Perea Rodriguez.

Miguel-Prendes, Sol. Narrating Desire: Moral Consolation and Sentimental Fiction in Fifteenth-Century Spain. U of North Carolina P, 2019. Reviewed by Loreto Romero.

O’Callaghan, Joseph F. Alfonso X, the Justinian of His Age: Law and Justice in Thirteenth-Century Castile. Cornell UP, 2019. Reviewed by Anthony J. Cardenas-Rotunno.

Piera, Montserrat. Women Readers and Writers in Medieval Iberia: Spinning the Text. Brill, 2019. Reviewed by Miguel Garcia-Fernandez.

Porrinas Gonzalez, David. El Cid: historia y mito de un senor de la guerra. Desperta Ferro, 2019. Reviewed by Óscar Martin.

Sanmartin Bastida, Rebeca, y Maria Victoria Curto Hernandez. El Libro de la oracion de Maria de Santo Domingo: estudio y edicion. Iberoamericana–Vervuert, 2019. Reviewed by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez.

Wacks, David A. Medieval Iberian Crusade Fiction and the Mediterranean World. U of Toronto P, 2019. Reviewed by Ãngel M. Ranales.

Nancy F. Marino Award for Best Essay in Hispanomedieval Studies at Annual Medieval Studies Congress (Kalamazoo)

John K. Walsh Award

Past Editors of La corónica

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