La corónica is pleased to announce the 2020 winner of the John K. Walsh Award, Fernando Riva, for his article “‘Mas querìa yr perdersse o la uentura mudar’: curiosidad intelectual y peregrinaje en el Libro de Apolonio.”

This year, La corónicaalso announced an Honorable Mention, Luis Miguel dos Santos, for his article “Generacion de Poniente: natura y alteridad religiosa en los viajes de Pero Tafur y el Libro del infante don Pedro de Portugal.”

This award is given annually to the author of an outstanding article published in the previous volume ofLa corónica. The selection of the recipient of this award is made by the Executive Committee of the MLA Forum, LLC Medieval Iberian in memory of the distinguished hispano-medievalist John K. Walsh (1939-1990). The tribute is celebrated every year with a reception at the Modern Language Association Convention.

Michelle Hamilton and Connie Scarborough announce the 2020 John Walsh Award winner at Medieval Iberia Social Event, 135th MLA Conference, Seattle. Not pictured: 2020 John Walsh Award Winner, Fernando Riva.
Luis Miguel Dos Santos, Honorable Mention, the 2020 John Walsh Award, and Michelle Hamilton, editor of La corónica, 135th MLA Conference, Seattle.











Fernando Riva. “‘Mas querìa yr perdersse o la uentura mudar’: curiosidad intelectual y peregrinaje en el Libro de Apolonio.La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 47, no, 1, Fall 2018, pp. 29-50.Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/cor.2018.0013.*

Luis Miguel dos Santos. “Generacion de Poniente: natura y alteridad religiosa en los viajes de Pero Tafur y el Libro del infante don Pedro de Portugal.” La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 47, no. 2, Spring 2019, pp. 59-82.Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/cor.2019.0014.

Winners of the 2020 La corónica John K. Walsh Award
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