La corónica is pleased to announce the 2021 winners of the John K. Walsh Prize, Yolanda Iglesias and David Navarro, for their article, “Revalorizacion de los conceptos de pecado y delito en las ‘Siete Partidas’ y las ‘Cantigas de Santa Maria.'”

This award is given annually to the author(s) of an outstanding article published in the previous volume of La corónica. The selection of the recipient of this award is made by the Executive Committee of the MLA Forum, LLC Medieval Iberian in memory of the distinguished hispano-medievalist John K. Walsh (1939-1990). The tribute is celebrated every year with a reception at the Modern Language Association Convention.

Iglesias, Yolanda and David Navarro. “Revalorizacion de los conceptos de pecado y delito en lasSiete Partidasy en lasCantigas de Santa Maria: estrategias juridicas y literarias de Alfonso X.”La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 48 no. 2, 2020, pp. 69-102. Project MUSE,doi:10.1353/cor.2020.0000.

A white symbol with a cross in the middle
Dr. Michelle Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, La corónica, announces the 2021 Walsh Prize at the 136th MLA Annual Convention, via Zoom.

Winners of the 2021 La corónica John K. Walsh Prize
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