La corónica is pleased to announce the 2024 winner of the John K. Walsh Prize, Julia Perratore, for her article, “The Art of Medieval Iberia at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Met Cloisters.

This award is given annually to the author(s) of an outstanding article published in the previous volume of La corónica. The selection of the recipient of this award is made by the Executive Committee of the MLA Forum, LLC Medieval Iberian in memory of the distinguished hispano-medievalist John K. Walsh (1939-1990). This year, the winner was recognized during the La corónica social event at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo.

Perratore, Julia. “The Art of Medieval Iberia at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Met Cloisters.”La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 50, no. 1-2, Fall 2021-Spring 2022, pp. 435-47. Project MUSE,

View the list of past winners.

Winner of the 2024 La corónica John K. Walsh Award
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