Iberomedieval Studies:
Taking Stock, Moving Forward
(a roundtable sponsored by IMANA)

Anniversaries often inspire moments of reflection. The 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo (or “KalamaZoom”) was no exception, as demonstrated by the roundtable organized by Linde M. Brocato on behalf of the Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA). During the interdisciplinary presentations and the subsequent discussion, scholars of medieval Iberia shared our perceptions, hopes, concerns, and aims for current and future studies in our field.

These pieces, shared by two of the roundtable participants, offer insight into the recent past of our field and vision for its near future, including how to make medieval Iberia relevant to wider audiences through primary art and architecture sources (Dotseth) and how to find and show our students medieval connections in unexpected places (Menaldi). This informal critical cluster captures the panelists’ contributions to the roundtable and invites further thought, comment, and discussion among our Ibero-medieval community members.

Other roundtable participants were: Heather Bamford, George Washington U; Julia Perratore, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Ross Michael Karlan, Geffen Academy, U of California; Michelle M. Hamilton, U of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

-Christi Ivers, University of Dallas

Amanda Dotseth, Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist U

Dotseth_A thousand words

Veronica Menaldi, U of Mississippi

Menaldi - Finding the Medieval Everywhere

IMANA Roundtable Kalamazoo 2021
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