Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; session sponsored by the Texas Medieval Association.

Kalamazoo, Michigan

11-14 May 2017

SubmitParticipant Information Form, abstract and CV directly to session organizer by 15 September 2016 (see information below).

Congress Website

Posted on 24 July 2016

“Murder, Translation, and Translator: Elisha Kent Kane and the LBA

Elisha Kent Kane’s 1933 English language translation of the Spanish medieval masterpiece, Libro de buen amor, is a recognized tour-de-force in translation art. A professor of Romance languages at Tennessee, he was involved in a sensational murder trial when he was tried for the murder of his wife. The prosecution used his translation as proof that he was disturbed enough to murder his wife. This session will reside on the intersection between professional practice, the art of translation, controversial subject matter, and sensational pop culture. Kane’s translation of the LBA is a proposal for a paradigm for translation. Papers for this session would deal with translation theory, professional practice, the Libro de buen amor, and Elisha Kent Kane.

Paul Larson
One Bear Place #97393Baylor University
Waco, TX 76798

TEMA Call for Papers for 52nd International Medieval Congress
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