Annual Postgraduate Renaissance Symposium organized and hosted by the Courtauld Institute of Art. Location: London, UK Date: 28 April 2017 Submit proposal and short CV by 31 December 2016 Contact: Alexander Röstel([email protected]) and Alexander Noelle([email protected]) Conference website
The Mediterranean Seminar: Before Orientalism
Before Orientalism: The “images” of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula (15th – 17th c) and their Mediterranean Connections Seminar sponsoredby Fundacion BBVA, the History of Art Department of the UNED y and the MINECO and hosted by the Fundacion BBVA,
Seminar: Pirate Fiction in the Middle Ages, 500- 1500 AD
Seminar organized by Thomas Heebøll-Holm, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark and the Centre for Medieval Literature (CML), Odense & York at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Location: Odense, Denmark Date: 21-22 September 2017 Submit abstract for paper or
Lineage, Loyalty, and Legitimacy in Iberia and North Africa (600-1600)
Conference organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University in conjunction with the Medieval Iberia and North Africa Group at the University of Chicago and hosted by Saint Louis University, during the 5th Annual Symposium
IMANA Sessions at 52nd International Medieval Congress
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; sessions sponsored by the Ibero-Medieval Association of North America; roundtables co-sponored with the North American Catalan Society. Kalamazoo, Michigan 11-14 May 2017 Submit Participant Information Form, abstract and CV directly to session organizers by
The Material Culture of Religious Change and Continuity, 1400-1600
Conference organized by Dr. Sarah Bastow and Dr. Katherine Lewis and hosted by the University of Huddersfield. Location: Huddersfield, England Date: 11-12 April 2017 Submit abstract by 15 July 2016. Contact: Audrey Thorstad, >[email protected] >Conference Website
New England Medieval Conference: “Lives and Afterlives in the Middle Ages”
Conference hosted by Dartmouth College. Location: Hanover, NH Date: 19 November 2016 Submit paper proposal by 15 June 2016. Proposal submission: [email protected] Conference Website
360°: Places, Boundaries, Global Perspectives
IVForum Medieval Art organized byChristian Freigang and Antje Fehrmann (Freie UniversitatBerlin), Kai Kappel and Tina Zürn (Humboldt-Universitat Berlin) with otherpartners in Berlin and Brandenburg and hosted byDeutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft e.V. Location: Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany Date: 20-23 September 2017
The 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 11-14 May 2017 Submit participant information form and abstract for individual papers by 15 September 2016. Submit proposals at Conference Website
Othello’s Island Conference 2017
Conference hosted by Centre for Visual Arts and Research (CVAR). Location: Nicosia, Cyprus Date: 6-8 April 2017 Submit abstract and CV by 1 January 2017 Contact: [email protected] Conference Website