Panel/Roundtable sponsored by the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain for the American Historical Association annual meeting Location: New Orleans, LA Date: AHA annual meeting 6-9 January 2022 Email Miguel Gomez (mg*****@ud*****.edu) by 28 May 2021 if you
IMANA Roundtable Kalamazoo 2021
Iberomedieval Studies: Taking Stock, Moving Forward (a roundtable sponsored by IMANA) Anniversaries often inspire moments of reflection. The 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo (or “KalamaZoom”) was no exception, as demonstrated by the roundtable organized by Linde M.
Call for Papers: Camões at Harvard
“Camões at Harvard” organized by Harvard’s Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and hosted by Harvard University. Tocelebrate the 450th anniversary of the publication of Os Lusiadas, Harvard’s Department of Romance Languages and Literatures will host a series of virtual
Winner of the 2021 La corónica International Book Award
Winner of the 2021 La corónicaInternational Book Award: Sol Miguel-Prendes Narrating Desire: Moral Consolation and Sentimental Fiction in Fifteenth-Century Spain (U North Carolina P, 2019) Sol Miguel-Prendes is Professor of Spanish at Wake Forest University. She conducts research in
Jornadas “De la norma alfonsí a las normas del español”
Jornadas “De la norma alfonsi a las normas del espanol” organized by Centro Internacional del Espanol USAL, Catedra de altos Estudios del Espanol USAL, Departamento de Lengua Espanola USAL, and Unidad de investigacion consolidada (UIC-046) JCyL and hosted by the
Closed: Nancy F. Marino Prize 2021
The window for submissions to the 2021 Nancy F. Marino Prize competition has closed. La corónicathanks those who submitted their papers for consideration. We look forward to the forthcoming announcement of the winning paper and to next year’s competition. The
Lecture “De la caballería en Don Quijote de la Mancha”
Lecture, “De la caballeria en Don Quijote de la Mancha,” by Jesu;s Rodriguez-Velasco (Yale University) organized by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and Premodern Research Forum and hosted by Temple University. Location: online, via Zoom Zoom link: Date: 22
Kalamazoo 2021 sessions sponsored by IMANA
Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA) Sessions The Canon Walks into a Bar: Humor in Medieval Iberian Literature Friday, May 14 5:00 p.m. EDT Iberomedieval Studies: Taking Stock, Moving Forward (A Roundtable) Saturday, May 15 5:00 p.m. Textual Histories of
Kalamazoo 2021 sessions sponsored by La corónica
55th International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, 2021) La corónicaSessions Iberian Travelers in the Mediterranean (A Panel Discussion) Monday, May 10 at 11:00 a.m. EDT La corónicaInternational Book Award: In Honor of S. J. Pearce forThe Andalusi Literary and Intellectual
Kalamazoo 2021 session sponsored by ASPHS
Session sponsored by the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) “Emotional Iberia: Varieties of Affective Experience in Medieval Iberian Cultures” Wednesday, May 12 7:00 p.m. EDT
NACS and IMANA co-sponsored panels at Kalamazoo 2021
Sessions co-sponsored by The North American Catalan Society (NACS) and the Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA) Medieval-IberoExplicandi per Masculum: Counsel for Women Composed by Men Monday, May 10 5:00 p.m. EDT Contacts, Encounters, Exchanges: Languages and Identities in the
Lecture “Orfeo and Tiresias: The Two Ages of the Poet”
Lecture “Orfeo and Tiresias: The Two Ages of the Poet” by Sol Miguel-Prendes (Wake Forest University) organized by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and hosted by Georgetown University. Location: online via Zoom Zoom link: Date: 24 March 2021
Lecture: “The Roots of the Modern Camino de Santiago…”
Lecture (“The Roots of the Modern Camino de Santiago: esthetics and politics in the modern world”) by Ryan Goodman (William & Mary and Princeton) Location: online via Google Meets Google Meets link: Date: 19 March 2021 at 6:00 pm
Online Teaching Resources
As many of us transition to remote instruction, La corónica Commons users are compiling resources to support teaching and learning. Categories include: General Resources for Online Instruction Resources for Teaching Language Classes Online Resources for Teaching Medieval Literature Online Resources
Session #447 “The Origins of a Theory of Race…” by David Wacks
Session #447 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies “The Origins of a Theory of Race in Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Retellings of the Noah Story“ David Wacks, University of Oregon Read: “The Curse of Ham in Medieval Iberia and the
Session #79 “An Online, Open-Access Teaching Anthology…” by David Wacks
Session #79 Digital Medieval Iberia “An Online, Open-Access Teaching Anthology of Premodern Iberian and Latin American Texts“ David Wacks, University of Oregon Access: Open Iberia/América: Online, Open Access Teaching Anthology of Premodern Iberian and Latin American Texts
Virtual Talk by Carolyn Nadeau
Virtual Talk, “European Perspectives on the Olla podrida and other Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Fare,” by Carolyn Nadeau organized by the Center for Medieval Studies at the University of Minnesota and La corónica. Location: online, via Zoom Event Link:
Roundtable: Writing a First Book in Iberian Studies
Roundtable organized by el taller @ KJCC and hosted by The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center (KJCC) at New York University. Location: via Zoom Date: 5 February 2021 from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST Contact: Alejandra Rosenberg Navarro
Session #592 “Medieval Iberian Grammar…” by Marlena Petra Cravens
Session #592 Isidore of Seville and the Persistence of Classical Antiquity in Iberia and the British Isles during the Middle Ages “‘Partes Orationis Quot Sunt?’: Medieval Iberian Grammar in the Wake of Isidore of Seville, 600-1481” Marlena Petra Cravens, University
OA Content in Volume 48.1
Read the following pieces and article from 48.1 free on Project Muse (links below). ARTICLES De pecadores a sufrientes: endemoniados en la Vida de San Millan de la Cogolla y la Vida de Santo Domingo de Silos Rocio Rubio Moiron