Read the following pieces and article from 48.2 free on Project Muse (links below). La corónicaInternational Book Award Forum: S. J. Pearce.The Andalusi Literary Intellectual Tradition: The Role of Arabic in Judah ibn Tibbon’s Ethical Will. Indiana UP, 2017.(Winner of
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 2021
Virtual Conference organized by Sadia Zoubir-Shaw, Brittany Frodge, and Kelly Ferguson Location: online (Zoom or similar platform) Date: 22-24 April 2021 Submit abstract by 15 November 2020 (deadline extended as of 2 November 2020) at Contact: kf**@uk*.edu Call for
Research and Teaching in the Time of COVID-19
Early Career Scholars of Medieval Iberia Discuss Research and Teaching in the Time of COVID-19 Final grades had been submitted. Graduation ceremonies, unfortunately, largely had not been attended. A long summer stretched before us with fewer or no social gatherings
AGECSMIberia Session at IMC Leeds 2021
Session organized by The Association of Graduate and Early Career Scholars of Medieval Iberia (AGECSMIberia) for the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds. Location: Leeds, England Date: 5-6 July 2021 Submit an abstract of 200-250 words (any references
Closed: Nancy F. Marino Prize 2020
The window for submissions to the 2020 Nancy F. Marino Prize competition has closed. La corónicathanks those who submitted their papers for consideration. We look forward to the forthcoming announcement of the winning paper and to next year’s competition. *
Call for Lesson Plans on Medieval Iberian Literature, History, and Culture
Did you teach a particularly successful online lesson during the COVID-19 pandemic? Would you be willing to share with otherLa corónicaCommons users who might have to teach remotely again in the fall? Please consider posting lesson plans for teaching Medieval
Winner of the 2020 La corónica International Book Award
Winner of the 2020 La corónicaInternational Book Award: Heather Bamford Cultures of the Fragment: Uses of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600 (U of Toronto P, 2018). Heather Bamford is Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the George Washington University where she
Volume 48.1 Table of Contents
CONTENTS FROM THE EDITOR IN MEMORIAM: LINDA DAVIDSON George Greenia ARTICLES De pecadores a sufrientes: endemoniados en la Vida de San Millan de la Cogolla y la Vida de Santo Domingo de Silos Rocio Rubio Moiron “El tau en las
2021 MLA Special Session Call for Papers: Race and Its Historiography in Medieval Iberian Studies
*Submission Deadline Extended (see below) “Race and Its Historiography in Medieval Iberian Studies” Special Session organized by Isidro J. Rivera for the 2021 MLA Convention. Session seeks discussion of topics on racial(ized) minorities, the whitening of the middle ages, and
The Sixteenth Biennial Symposium of GEMELA
Symposium organized by Eulà lia Miralles Jori, Montserrat Pérez-Toribio, and Verònica Zaragoza Gomez for the Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer en Espana y las Américas pre-1800 (GEMELA). Location: Valencia, Spain Date: 30 September – 2 October 2020 Submit paper or
MACHL 2020
Conference organized by the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature’s organizing committee and hosted by the University of Missouri-Columbia. Location: Columbia, MO Date: 6-7 November 2020 Submit 250-word abstract by 1 May 2020. Contact: mu********@mi******.edu Conference Website
Travelling Objects, Travelling People
“Travelling Objects, Travelling People: Art and Artists of Late Medieval and Renaissance Iberia and Beyond, c. 1400–1550” Conference organized by Costanza Beltrami and Sylvia Alvares-Correa and hosted by Tom Nickson, The Courtauld Institute of Art. Location: London, England Date: 28
2020 MLA Roundtable Sponsored by La corónica
687. Race and Its Historiography in Medieval Iberian Studies 10:15 AM–11:30 AM Jan 12, 2020 WSCC – Chelan 5 Description:Panelists address the lack of engagement with race and diversity in medieval Iberian studies, in a discussion about the ways that
2020 MLA Sessions Organized by LLC Medieval Iberian
Join us for the following events at the MLA Convention in Seattle, organized by LLC Medieval Iberian. More information follows the session titles. 156. Political Uses of Medieval Iberia 507. New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies 653A. Medieval Iberia Cash
Premodern Iberia – PIMA 2020
Meeting organized by Premodern Iberianists of the Mid-Atlantic (PIMA)and hosted by George Washington University. Location: Washington, DC Date: 6 March 2020 Submit a 250-word abstract and CV by 19 December 2019 Contact: Belen Vicens or Abigail Agresta See below CFP:
Transcribe Estoria – help transcribe the Estoria de Espanna
Crowd-sourcing project “Transcribe Estoria” organized by Aengus Ward for the Department of Hispanic StudiesandEstoria de Espana Digital Project at the University of Birmingham. Project description in English and Spanish below. To learn more and to participate, click here. Transcribeestoria is
CFP “Iberian Travelers in the Mediterranean” at Kalamazoo
Call for Papers forLa Coronicapanel at theAnnual Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo,”Iberian Travelers in the Mediterranean”: This session will resonate with the work of the 2020 plenary speaker, Sharon Kinoshita. It will also highlight the various ethnic, linguistic and religious histories
CELPYC Congress 2020
Congress organized by Circulo de Estudios de la Literatura Picaresca y Celestinesca (CELPYC) and hosted by the City College of New York. Location: New York City, NY Date: 3-5 June 2020 Submit paper proposal by 15 February 2020. Contact information
Medieval Iberia Panels at IMC, Leeds 2020
Panels organized by Nadia R. Altschul for the International Medieval Congress at Leeds. Location: Leeds, England Date: 6-9 July 2020 Submit proposal for individual papers by 15 August 2019. Submit full session proposal by 15 September 2019. Contact: Nadia R.
“Mysticism Beyond Borders” Panel at IMC, Leeds 2020
“Mysticism Beyond Borders: Spanish Spirituality in a European Context (13th-16th c.)” Panel organized by Pablo Acosta Garcia and Sergi Sancho Fibla for the International Medieval Congress, Leeds. Location: Leeds, England Date: 6-9 July 2020 Submit 250-word abstract by 7 September