Colloquium organized by Andy Beresford, Lesley Twomey, and Carlos Conde Solares and hosted by Durham Castle and Hatfield College. Location: Durham, England Date: 5-6 July 2017 Submit abstractby 30 April 2017. For more information, contact: Andy Beresford (a.***********@du****.uk), Lesley Twomey
Congreso Internacional Cilengua-Universidad de Rioja
Congreso Internacional Cilengua, Universidad de Rioja: “‘En qui trova repaire tot romeo cansado’: Gonzalo de Berceo, hoy” Conference organized by Cilengua, Universidad de Rioja, and the Fundacion San Millan de la Cogolla and hosted by the Universidad de Rioja. Location:
Graduate Student “Works in Progress” Symposium
Symposium organized by La corónica and the Medieval Institute of Georgetown University and hosted by Georgetown University. Location: Washington, D.C. Date: 8 May 2017 Submit 250-word abstract and 1-2 page CVby 11 March 2017. Contact: Emily C. Francomano(ec**@ge********.edu) Papers should
Medieval Iberian LLC Sessions at MLA 2018, NYC
Sessions organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the 2018 MLA Convention. Location: New York City, NY Date: 4-7 January 2018 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies Papers on new works, new methodologies or new critical approaches
The Mediterranean Seminar: Before Orientalism
Before Orientalism: The “images” of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula (15th – 17th c) and their Mediterranean Connections Seminar sponsoredby Fundacion BBVA, the History of Art Department of the UNED y and the MINECO and hosted by the Fundacion BBVA,
Sixth International Converso and Morisco Studies Conference
“The New Christians and Religious Reform in Medieval and Early Modern Europe” Conference organized by Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, in collaboration with the University of Alcala at Alcala de Henares and hosted by the Colegio Mayor of the University
Lineage, Loyalty, and Legitimacy in Iberia and North Africa (600-1600)
Conference organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University in conjunction with the Medieval Iberia and North Africa Group at the University of Chicago and hosted by Saint Louis University, during the 5th Annual Symposium
The Islamic Civilization in Al-Andalus
Conference organized by the BA center for Islamic Civilization Studies, in participation with Al-Baptain Foundation. Date: 15-17 November 2016 For more information, contact: is******************@bi*****.org See Twitter also.
HSMS Sessions at the 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; sessions sponsored by theHispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (HSMS). Kalamazoo, Michigan 11-14 May 2017 SubmitParticipant Information Formandabstract directly to session organizers by 15 September 2016 (see information below). Congress Website Posted on 3 August
TEMA Call for Papers for 52nd International Medieval Congress
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; session sponsored by the Texas Medieval Association. Kalamazoo, Michigan 11-14 May 2017 SubmitParticipant Information Form, abstract and CV directly to session organizer by 15 September 2016 (see information below). Congress Website Posted on 24
IMANA Sessions at 52nd International Medieval Congress
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; sessions sponsored by the Ibero-Medieval Association of North America; roundtables co-sponored with the North American Catalan Society. Kalamazoo, Michigan 11-14 May 2017 Submit Participant Information Form, abstract and CV directly to session organizers by
Critical Cluster: Redes Petristas: Networks and Memory of Pedro I of Castile
For more information, please click here. Submit an abstract and preliminary bibliography by 1 February 2016. Final submissionsas well as other inquiries should be sent either to Rosa Rodriguez Porto (ro*****************@yo**.uk) orSacramento Rosello Martinez (sr*@sd*.dk) by 1 June 2016.
The Heritage of Al-Andalus II: Iberia-Persia
Conference organized by Three Cultures Foundation, in association with the Allameh Tabatabai University and the University of Seville, and hosted by the Sede de la Fundacion Tres Culturas. Location: Seville, Spain Date: 16-17 November 2016 Submit abstract by 9 September