Conference organized by the Medieval Association of the Midwest and hosted byThe College of St. Scholastica Duluth, Minnesota 6-8 October 2016 Submit paper or session proposal by 22 July 2016 Contact:William Hodappwh*****@cs*.edu Conference website Posted on 13 May 2015
New England Medieval Conference: “Lives and Afterlives in the Middle Ages”
Conference hosted by Dartmouth College. Location: Hanover, NH Date: 19 November 2016 Submit paper proposal by 15 June 2016. Proposal submission: NE*******@da*******.edu Conference Website
Fifth Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Symposium organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, St. Louis University. Location: St. Louis, MO Date: 19-21 June 2017 Submit abstract by 31 December 2016 at Contact:Meg Smith (webmaster)sm**@sl*.edu Symposium Website