“Spain As Egypt’s Alternative: Impacts and Influences of Translated Magical Texts” session organized by Veronica Menaldi for the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 7-10 May 2020 Submit 250-350-word abstract and Participant Information Form by
Kalamazoo 2020 sessions sponsored by ASPHS
Sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies “Emotional Iberia: Varieties of Affective Experience in Medieval Iberian Cultures” Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 7-10 May 2020 Submit one-page abstract and Participant Information Form by 15 September
Institutions and the Book Market during the Early Modern Period Conference
Conference hosted by University Pablo de Olavide. Location: Seville, Spain Date: 6-7 February 2020 Submit 300-word abstract and 1-page CV by 31 July 2019. Contact: Natalia Maillard Ãlvarez (nm*****@up*.es) and Montserrat Cachero (mc*****@up*.es) Call for Papers
Materialities and Devotion: Medieval Europe in Motion
International Conference organized by Instituto de Estudos Medievais (NOVA FCSH), Mosteiro da Batalha/Direção Geral do Patrimonio Cultural and Centro de Estudos de Historia Religiosa (UCP),and hosted by Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitoria. Location: Batalha, Portugal Date: 7-9 November 2019
Materials and Materiality in Medieval Image
Workshop organized by Maria Laura Montemurro and Nadia Mariana Consiglieri and hosted by the Centro de Investigacion en Arte, Materia y Cultura, UNTREF Location: Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: late November 2019 Submit 500-word abstract by 1 June
SCSC 2019, 50th Anniversary Conference
The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC) Annual Conference, organized by Andrew Spicer and hosted at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch Hotel. Location: St. Louis, MO Date: 17–20 October 2019 Submit 250-word abstract by 7 April 2019.
Premodern Food Cultures Conference 2019
Conference organized by theCenter for Medieval Studies, the Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine and the James Ford Bell Library,and hosted by the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Location: Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN. Date: 17-19 October 2019 Submit 300-word
SMM Conference 2019
“Movement and Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean (6th – 15th centuries)”Conference organized by theSociety for the Medieval Mediterranean (SMM)and hosted by theInstitut d’Estudis Catalans. Location: Barcelona, Spain Date: 8-11 July 2019 Submit abstract or panel proposal by 31 December 2018
History and Economy in the Mediterranean Countries Seminar 2018
“Religious Landscape in Mediterranean Europe (14th – 19th Century)”. Seminar organized by The Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies (ISSM) and the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and hosted by ISSM-CNR Naples. Location: Naples, Italy Date: 1-5 October 2018 Submit
TEMA Conference 2018
28th Annual Conference organized by John Howe and the Texas Medieval Association (TEMA) and hosted by Texas Tech University. Location: Lubbock, TX Date: 26-27 October 2018 Submit proposal prior to 15 September 2018. Contact: te***********@gm***.com or jo*******@tt*.edu, conference organizer. Conference
Iberian (In)tolerance Conference
“Iberian (In)tolerance: Minorities, Cultural Exchanges, and Social Exclusion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era” Postgraduate Student Conference hosted by University College, London. Location: London, England Date: 8 November 2018 Submit proposal by 19 June 2018. Proposal submission linkhttps://iberianintolerance.wordpress.com/proposals/
Winner of the 2018 La corónica International Book Award
Winner of the 2018 La corónicaInternational Book Award: PhilipDaileader Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life: Religion and Society in Late Medieval Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). Philip Daileader is Professor of History in the Lyon G. Tyler Department of History
“Arabism” Panel at Medieval Academy of America 2019
“‘Arabism’ in Western Medieval Studies” Panel convened by Sherif Abdelkarim (English, UVa) andRebecca Hill (English, UCLA) for the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Location: Philadelphia, PA Date: 7-9 March 2019 Submit
MAMA 42nd Annual Conference 2018
42nd Annual Mid-America Medieval Association (MAMA) Conference organized by the University of Kansas Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) and hosted by the University of Kansas. Location: Lawrence, KS Date: 22 September 2018 Submit 250-word abstract by 1 June 2018.
Truth and Truthiness: Belief, Authenticity, Rhetoric, and Spin (MRSPBC)
Conference organized by the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program of Barnard College and hosted by Barnard College, Columbia University. Location: New York City, (NY) Date: 1 December 2018 Submit 250-300-word abstract and 2-page CV by 30 April 2018 Contact: Rachel
Medieval Iberian LLC Sessions at MLA 2019, Chicago
Sessions organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the 2019 MLA Convention. Location: Chicago, IL Date: 3-6 January 2019 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies Papers on new works, new methodologies or new critical approaches to Medieval
Medieval Unfreedoms: Slavery, Servitude and Trafficking in Humans (CEMERS)
Conference organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and hosted by Binghamton University (State University of New York) Location: Binghamton, NY Date: 19-20 October 2018 Submit abstracts for individual papers and sessions by 1 May 2018 Contact: Elisabeth
SCSC Conference 2018
“The Long Sixteenth Century” conference organized by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference Location: Albuquerque, NM Date: 1-4 November 2018 Submit 250-word abstracts for individual papers or panels on SCSC website by 15 April 2018. Contact: co********@si**************.org Please check Sixteenth
24th Annual Interdisciplinary Grad Conference in Medieval Studies
“Superstition and Magic in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods” conference organized by the Program in Medieval Studies and the Department of German, co-sponsored by the Center for Religious Studies, and hosted by Princeton University Location:Princeton, NJ Date: 20 April
39th Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum
Forum, “Image and Visual Experience in the Middle Ages and Renaissance”, hosted by Keene State College Location: Keene, NH, Date: 13-14 April 2018 Submit abstract or panel proposal by 15 January 2018 Contact:Dr. Robert G. Sullivan (su******@ge****.edu) Call for Papers