Symposium organized by La corónica and the Medieval Institute of Georgetown University and hosted by Georgetown University. Location: Washington, D.C. Date: 8 May 2017 Submit 250-word abstract and 1-2 page CVby 11 March 2017. Contact: Emily C. Francomano(ec**@ge********.edu) Papers should
93rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America
Meeting organized by the Emory Program Committee and hosted by Emory University. Location: Atlanta, GA Date: 1 – 3 March 2018 Submit proposals forindividual papers and panels by 15 May 2017. Contact:MA*****@Th****************.org Call for papers
Medieval Iberian LLC Sessions at MLA 2018, NYC
Sessions organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the 2018 MLA Convention. Location: New York City, NY Date: 4-7 January 2018 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies Papers on new works, new methodologies or new critical approaches
Early Modern Discourses on Europe: Representations of Community and Common Identity (1450-1750)
Conference organized by Nicolas Detering (Freiburg i. Br.), Clementina Marsico (Innsbruck), and Isabella Walser (Innsbruck) and hosted by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies in Innsbruck. Location: Innsbruck, Austria Date: 30 November-2 December 2017 Submit abstract and brief CV
2017 Annual Symposium for Pilgrimage Studies: What Is Pilgrimage?
Symposium organized by the Institute for Pilgrimage Studies in conjunction with the International Consortium for Pilgrimage Studies and hosted by the College of William and Mary. Location: Williamsburg, VA Date: 6-8 October 2017 Submit abstract on website by 1 May
Gender and Transgression in the Middle Ages
Conference organizedby the University of StAndrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies (SAIMS) and hosted by the University of St Andrews. Location: StAndrews, Scotland Date: 3-5 May 2017 Submit abstract and biographyby 12 February 2017. Contact Alastair Ayton, Ethan Birney, and Jonah
Rewiring Romans: Medieval Liturgies as Tools for Transformation
Workshop organized and hosted by Norwegian Institute in Rome. Location: Rome, Italy Date: 15-17 June 2017 Submit abstract and bio by 15 March 2017 Contact: l.******@ro**.no Call for papers
MEMSA Conference 2017
Imitation and Innovation: Uses of the Past in the Medieval and the Early Modern World Conference organized by the Medieval and Early Modern Student Association (MEMSA), arranged with support of Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,
Lisbon Medieval Culture and War: Spaces, Images, Mentalities
Conference organized and hosted by Centre of History of the University of Lisbon Location: Lisbon, Portugal Date: 22-24 June 2017 Submit abstract by 3 March 2017 Contact: li*****************@gm***.com Call for Papers
Reformations during the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Conference organized by The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association and hosted by Colorado Mesa University. Location: Grand Junction, CO Date: 22-24 June 2017 Submit proposal by 15 March 2017 Contact: Ginger Smoak (gi**********@ut**.edu) Conference Website
Early Modern Satire. Themes, Re-Evaluations, and Practices
Conference organized hosted by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Location: Gothenburg, Sweden Date: 2-4 November 2017 Submit abstranct by 4 January 2017 Contact: Dr. Per Sivefors or Dr. Rikard Wingård Conference Website
3rd ARDIT International Congress
“Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion, and Persecution in the Middle Ages” Congress organized by ARDIT. Location: Barcelona, Spain Date: 17-19 May 2017 Submit abstract by31 January 2017. Contact: co************
The Mediterranean Seminar: Before Orientalism
Before Orientalism: The “images” of Islam in the Iberian Peninsula (15th – 17th c) and their Mediterranean Connections Seminar sponsoredby Fundacion BBVA, the History of Art Department of the UNED y and the MINECO and hosted by the Fundacion BBVA,
Prison/Exile Conference
Conference organized by Spencer Weinreich, Chiara Giovanni, and Anik Laferriereand hosted byErtegun House, University of Oxford. Location: Oxford, England Date: 10-11 March 2017 Submit title and 250-word abstract by 9 January 2017 Contact: Spencer Weinreich, Chiara Giovanni, and Anik Laferriere
Sixth International Converso and Morisco Studies Conference
“The New Christians and Religious Reform in Medieval and Early Modern Europe” Conference organized by Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, in collaboration with the University of Alcala at Alcala de Henares and hosted by the Colegio Mayor of the University
Seminar: Pirate Fiction in the Middle Ages, 500- 1500 AD
Seminar organized by Thomas Heebøll-Holm, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark and the Centre for Medieval Literature (CML), Odense & York at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Location: Odense, Denmark Date: 21-22 September 2017 Submit abstract for paper or
Lineage, Loyalty, and Legitimacy in Iberia and North Africa (600-1600)
Conference organized by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University in conjunction with the Medieval Iberia and North Africa Group at the University of Chicago and hosted by Saint Louis University, during the 5th Annual Symposium
HMI Session at International Medieval Congress 2017
Congress hosted by Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds; session sponsored by Historians of Medieval Iberia (HMI). Leeds, UK 3-6 July 2017 Submit abstract by 29 September 2016. Contact: hi************************@gm***.com Congress website:
The Islamic Civilization in Al-Andalus
Conference organized by the BA center for Islamic Civilization Studies, in participation with Al-Baptain Foundation. Date: 15-17 November 2016 For more information, contact: is******************@bi*****.org See Twitter also.
IMANA Sessions at 52nd International Medieval Congress
Congress hosted by Western Michigan University; sessions sponsored by the Ibero-Medieval Association of North America; roundtables co-sponored with the North American Catalan Society. Kalamazoo, Michigan 11-14 May 2017 Submit Participant Information Form, abstract and CV directly to session organizers by