La corónica

Call for Papers

54nd International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, May 9 to 12, 2019)

Deadline for submission of paper proposals is September 15, 2018.

La corónica: A Journal of Hispanic Languages, Literatures & Cultures is accepting abstracts for the following sponsored session:
  • Unbound Iberia: The Uses of Manuscript and Print Materials from Medieval and Early Modern Spain

Modern histories of the book and literature inform our understanding of writing and reading as modes of creating and transmitting knowledge, but the myriad and often heterodox uses of manuscripts and print materials can disrupt our vertical thinking about reading, as well as our historical understanding of books and their audiences. Recent scholarship on medieval and early modern Iberian culture is tracing the afterlives of repurposed book materials that were not only recycled for practical uses in bindings, or as flyleaves and wrappers; fragments and scraps of leaves could also be transformed into powerful, talismanic, even magical artifacts that recall their textual and literary origins, even as they break free from them. This panel seeks papers that look at manuscript and printed objects from Iberia in ways that challenge our understanding of book history, authorship, readers, and the meaning of medieval and early modern literature by following the ways in which the written word, texts and books were broken off from their intellectual and hermeneutic underpinnings.

Please send a one-page abstract and the Participant Information form (available at to Jonathan Burgoyne ([email protected]) by September 15.

Organizer: Jonathan Burgoyne, The Ohio State University ([email protected])

Chair: Heather Bamford, George Washington University ([email protected])

Fill out the Participant Information Form which you’ll find on the website link below and submit it directly to the session organizer. Be sure to indicate whether or not you’ll need any equipment such as a projector:


UPDATED 10 July 2018

La corónica: Call for Papers for the 54nd International Medieval Congress