Carlos Alberto Solé


Courtesy of the family of Dr. Carlos A. Solé, Jr.

Carlos Alberto Solé, Jr., Professor Emeritus in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas at Austin, passed away on January 7, 2020 in his home in Houston, Texas. Carlos is survived by his wife, Yolanda, son, Carlos III, daughter-in-law, Kendall, four grandchildren, a sister, and a brother.

Beginning with his arrival as a tenured professor at UT Austin, Carlos taught Old Spanish and Spanish Dialectology to generations of UT graduate students and was instrumental in setting the department’s requirement of two courses in linguistics for graduate students concentrating in literature and two literature courses for those concentrating in linguistics, strengthening students’ disciplinary preparation, along with the faculty’s teaching opportunities.

A Memorial Mass and Rite of Committal will take place at Parroquia Santuario Nacional del Corazon de Maria in Panama, Repu;blica de Panama at a date to be determined.

A fuller obituary will appear inLa corónica later this year.

Readers may contact Elizabeth Willingham ([email protected]) with thoughts and questions.

In memoriam: Carlos Alberto Solé
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