Workshop and session organized by Francisco Gago-Jover, Pablo Pastrana-Pérez and Fernando Tejedo,hosted by International Congress on Medieval Studies and sponsored bythe Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

  • Location: Kalamazoo, MI
  • Date: 9-11 May 2019
  • Submit (see below)
  • Contact: (see below)
Workshop on Ibero-Romance Paleography
Continuing with the successful approach of the past two years, this workshop is devoted to the presentation of different paleographic standards for the transcription of Ibero-Romance documents, with emphasis on the medieval and early-modern periods. Mention to both manuscript and early printed documents, be they in textual, paratextual or iconographic form, will be made to illustrate the different practices. Emphasis will be placed on conflicting or problematic issues in transcribing Ibero-Romance documents and in the different approaches to their resolution. The workshop intends to include ample time for paleographic practice among the attendees. Proposals for participation as a presenter in this workshop, led by Francisco Gago-Jover and Pablo Pastrana-Pérez, should include the following information in the abstract: a brief background of the presenter, including paleoghraphic work performed, and a description of the presentation.
Please send abstract and Participant Information Form -available at – to Francisco Gago-Jover (fg******@ho*******.edu) or Pablo Pastrana-Pérez (pa************@wm***.edu) by Sept. 15, 2018.
Ibero-Romance Lexicography: Medieval Ibero-Romance Dictionaries
Since its founding in 1975, the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies has been at the forefront of medieval lexicography in Ibero-Romance language varieties. It has carried its lexicographical tradition for over forty years, from its earliest work toward the Dictionary of Old Spanish to the more punctual Diccionario de la prosa castellana del Rey Alfonso X (2002). It has also brought to light the edition of early dictionaries, such as the Diccionario espanol-latino del siglo XV: An edition of anonymous manuscript f.II.10 of the Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (2007). This session seeks to bring together recent scholarship on medieval and early-modern Ibero-Romance lexicography as well as advances in either the confection of medieval and early-modern Ibero-Romance dictionaries or the edition of early glossaries and vocabularies. Also welcome are different approaches to and challenges in the creation of medieval and early-modern dictionaries.
Please send abstract and Participant Information Form -available at – to Fernando Tejedo (lf******@wi**.edu) by Sept. 15, 2018.

Call for Papers for the 54nd International Medieval Congress – Medieval Ibero-Romance Paleography and Lexicography
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