Conference “Riddles in Hispanic Culture and Literature” organized byThe Department of Romance Languages at Villanova University, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture at the University of Delaware, and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Temple University.

  • Location: Philadelphia, PA
  • Date: 16 November 2019
  • Submit a 300-word abstract by 1 June 2019 to [email protected]
  • Contact: Adriano Duque
  • Call for Papers (see below)Riddles in Hispanic Culture and Literature: a Conference in Honor of Harriet Goldberg (1926-2001) Philadelphia, 16 November 2019.

    In 2002, Alan Deyermond described his relation withHarriet Goldbergas a relation of admiration “for the quality of her scholarship and her range of interests” ranging from dreams, sexual humour, to personal descriptions and riddles. One of her latest contributions, theMotif-Index of Medieval Spanish Folk Narratives,stands today astestament to her versatility and extraordinary influence in the field of Hispanic Studies.

    The Departments of Romance Languages at Villanova University, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture at the University of Delaware, and the Department ofSpanish and Portuguese at Temple University are hosting a one-day conference on the work and contributions ofDr. Harriet Goldberg. The symposium will scrutinize mutual perceptions of Folkloric Traditions and highlight the importance ofFolklorefor grasping new visions of the Mediterranean world. We particularly welcome papers that deal with Hispanic traditions in Africa, Asia and the Americas, especially regarding theromancero, folktales, riddle-making, courtly love, or portraiture.

    The keynote address will be given by Dr. Michelle Hamilton,Director of Medieval Studies and Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Folkloric Traditions and Perceptions in Hispanic Culture and Literature