Call for Papers

53nd International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, May 10-13, 2018)

Deadline for submission of paper proposals is September 15.


The Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA) will sponsor three sessions at the Congress next May. If you’d like to submit an abstract for one of these sessions, please fill out the Participant Information Form which you’ll find on the website link below and submit it directly to the session organizer. Be sure to indicate whether or not you’ll need any equipment such as a projector:


Here is a list of the IMANA sessions and their organizers for 2018:


  1. Networks of Knowledge in Late Medieval Iberia. Sol Miguel Prendes ([email protected])

This panel looks for papers that explore social, political, and intellectual exchange and competition between persons, places, and things in Late Medieval Iberia. How did local circumstances influence the mobility and reception of ideas?What types of motifs, topics, and concepts travelled? What books were translated and why? Were there Iberian networks that circulated particular texts?What was the role of family, courtly, and other less formalized networks? How did local centers, patrons, and scholars compete for prominence?

2. Revolutions and Forms of Resistance in the Iberian Middle Ages. Jesu;s Rodriguez Velasco ([email protected])

This session of papers will explore different modalities of resistance, opposition, and uprising throughout the Iberian Middle Ages, as they appear in Iberian literary, historical, and other sources, including visual imagery and music.

  1. Real and Imagined Histories : Medieval, Early Modern, and Modern Appeals to the Iberian Past. John Bollweg ([email protected])

Universal histories from creation, noble genealogies, prophetic Hadith, the shrine of St. James at Compostela, Kabbalah, the Reconquista, convivencia, language ideologies : these are a few of many examples from Iberian cultures that make implicit or explicit appeals to real and imagined pasts, in the service of the contemporary concerns of the medieval and modern writers, leaders, and religious figures who deploy them. For this session, we seek presentations that explore the motives or goals behind such ideological uses — whether medieval, early modern, and modern – of the Iberian past, as well as the arguments or methods their producers use. Presentations should explore a medieval example of an appeal to the past, or early modern and modern appeals to the medieval Iberian past.


IMANA: Call for Papers for the 53nd International Medieval Congress
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