Call for Papers

54nd International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, May 9 to 12, 2019)

Deadline for submission of paper proposals is September 15, 2018.

The Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA) is sponsoring a session at the 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, May 9-12, 2019.
  • Literature and Court Culture in Medieval Iberia: A Roundtable in Memoriam Nancy Marino

Fill out the Participant Information Form which you’ll find on the website link below and submit it directly to the session organizer. Be sure to indicate whether or not you’ll need any equipment such as a projector:

IMANA is also co-sponsoring the following sessions:
  • [Co-sponsored with Mens et mensa: Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages] The Politics of Consumption: Feasting and Fasting in Medieval Iberia.
  • [Co-sponsored with the North American Catalan Society] MultiDisciplinary Approaches to Ibero-Medieval Texts and Authors: Papers in Honor of Mark D. Johnston.
  • [Co-sponsored with the Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, Univ. of Texas–El Paso] Herbalists without Borders: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Herbal Medicine in the Iberian World.





IMANA: Call for Papers for the 54nd International Medieval Congress
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