Call for Papers

54nd International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, May 9 to 12, 2019)

Deadline for submission of paper proposals is September 15, 2018

The politics of consumption: feasting and fasting in Medieval Iberia

The Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA) is co-sponsoring this session with Mens et mensa: Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages.

Roland Barthes has said that an entire ‘world’ is present in and signified by food. The study of food–what we do or do not eat as well as how, when, where, why and with whom we eat–is strongly linked to anthropological, cultural, social, political, and economic concerns.In this panel, we welcome papers that consider food as a productive lens to analyze socio-cultural constructions of meaning. Papers could include topics such as gluttony, scarcity, feasting, fasting, and starvation. By analyzing narrative representations of these topics, we hope to gain greater insight into the role that the rhetoric of consumption plays in our larger understanding of medieval Iberia.

Please send a one-page abstract and the Participant Information form (available atform) to Martha Daas ([email protected]) or John A. Bollweg ([email protected])by the September 15 deadline.



Call for Papers for the 54nd International Medieval Congress sponsored by IMANA and MENS Et Mensa
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