The 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies hosted by Western Michigan University. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 10-13 May 2018 Submit paper proposals by 15 September 2017 Congress Website
“Translating Genres” Panel at Kalamazoo 2018
Panel, “Translating Genres: Arabic Prose and European Literatures”, sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Medieval Studies for the International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 10-13 May 2018 Submit 300-word abstract with title and one-page CVby 10
“The Other’s Chivalry” Panel at Kalamazoo 2018
Panel, “The Other’s Chivalry: Alternative Chivalric Codes and Practices”, organized by Ana Grinberg (Auburn University) and Stefanie Goyette (Durham Academy) for the International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 10-13 May 2018 Submit abstract and Participant Information formby 15
“From Heresy to Orthodoxy” Panel at Kalamazoo 2018
Panel, “From Heresy to Orthodoxy: the Riddle of Christian IberianMysticism,”organized by Ana MariaCarvajal(Purdue University) and Jessica A. Boon (UNC-Chapel Hill) for the International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo. Location: Kalamazoo, MI Date: 10-13 May 2018 Submit abstract and Participant Information formby 15
Announcement: LLC Arabic and LLC Medieval Iberian Session at MLA 2018
Announcement of “Medieval States of Insecurity” session organized by LLC Arabic and LLC Medieval Iberian at the MLA Convention 2018. Location: New York City, New York Date: 4-7 January 2018 To read full paper abstracts, please see theLa corónicaCommons forum
Printing and Misprinting: Typographical Mistakes and Publishers’ Corrections (1450–1600)
Symposium convenedby Geri Della Rocca de Candal and Paolo Sachet and hosted by Lincoln College, Oxford. Location: Oxford, England Date: 20 April 2018 Submit CV and proposal by 16 October 2017. Contact: [email protected] Call for Papers
33rd Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Midwest
“Medieval Borders and Frontiers” Conference organized by the Medieval Association of the Midwest and hosted by the University of Kansas. Location:Lawrence, KS Date: 19-21 October 2017 Submit abstract and one-page CV by 15 August 2017. Contact: Isidro J. Rivera([email protected]) Call
GEMELA Session at RSA 2018: Women and Their Books
Session organized by GEMELA (Grupo de estudios sobre la Mujer en Espana y las Américas) forthe Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Location: New Orleans, LA Date: 22-24 March 2018 Submit abstract, short CV, and up to five
Winner of the 2017 La corónica International Book Award
Winner of the 2017 La corónicaInternational Book Award: Nu;ria Silleras-Fernandez Chariots of Ladies: Francesc Eiximenis and the Court Culture of Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Cornell UP, 2015) Nu;ria Silleras-Fernandez is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
Biennial New College Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Biennial conference organized and hosted by New College. Location: Sarasota, FL Date: 8-10 March 2018 Submit abstract by 15 September 2017 Contact: [email protected]. Conference Website
38th Annual Conference of the CMS, Fordham University
Conference organized by the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University and hosted by Fordham University. Location: Bronx, NY Date: 17-18 March 2018 Submit abstract by 15 September 2017. Contact:[email protected]
Humanidades Digitales: Miradas hacia la Edad Media
Conference organized by the Red de Estudios Medievales Interdisciplinares and hosted by the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Location: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain Date: 9-11 October 2017 Submit abstract by 31 May 2017. Contact: [email protected] Conference Website
“Scanning the Page” Session at RSA 2018
“Scanning the Page:Mise-en-Pageand Textuality in Early Modern Print” Session organized by Deborah Soloman. Conference hosted by Renaissance Society of America (RSA), New Orleans, 2018. Location:New Orleans, LA Date: 22-24 March 2018 Submitpaper proposal by 20 May 2017. Contact: Deborah Solomon
SCSC: Sacred Biography Across Confessions and Continents
Panel title – “Sacred Biography Across Confessions and Continents:On the Limits of Hagiography as a Category of Analysis” Panel sponsored by the Hagiography Society, conference organized by the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference (SCSC). Location: Milwaukee, WI Date: 26–29 October
Texts and Contexts Conference 2017
Conference organized by the Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies and hosted by the Ohio State University. Location: Columbus, OH Date: 20-21 October 2017 Submit abstracts and session proposals by 1 August 2017. Contact: [email protected] Conference website
Congreso Internacional Cilengua-Universidad de Rioja
Congreso Internacional Cilengua, Universidad de Rioja: “‘En qui trova repaire tot romeo cansado’: Gonzalo de Berceo, hoy” Conference organized by Cilengua, Universidad de Rioja, and the Fundacion San Millan de la Cogolla and hosted by the Universidad de Rioja. Location:
SCSC: Performing Political Loyalty Across the Early Modern World
Panel organized by Jennifer Mara DeSilva, conference organized by the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference (SCSC). Location: Milwaukee, WI Date: 26–29 October 2017 Submit title, abstract, and half-page CV by 7April 2017. Contact: Jennifer Mara DeSilva ([email protected]) Call for papers
Migration(s): Body, Word, Spirit
Conference organized by Andrea M. Frisch ([email protected]),Sabrina Alcorn Baron ([email protected]), and Stefano Villani ([email protected]) and hosted by the University of Maryland. Location: College Park,MD Date: 10-11 November 2017 Submitabstract by 1 May 2017. Contact: Shaun Russell ([email protected]) Call for Papers
93rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America
Meeting organized by the Emory Program Committee and hosted by Emory University. Location: Atlanta, GA Date: 1 – 3 March 2018 Submit proposals forindividual papers and panels by 15 May 2017. Contact:[email protected] Call for papers
Medieval Iberian LLC Sessions at MLA 2018, NYC
Sessions organized by Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) at the 2018 MLA Convention. Location: New York City, NY Date: 4-7 January 2018 New Currents in Medieval Iberian Studies Papers on new works, new methodologies or new critical approaches